

Quick Pickled Onion, Beet, Celery and Ginger

Quick Pickled Onion, Beet, Celery and Ginger


I like my salads with a bite of sour crunch! Enter, pickled veggies. An old-school, full fermentation is definitely something to be honored, but when I need a crunchy fix, a quick pickle is my go to. And despite what they’ll tell you, you don’t need sugar! If you want to add a little sweetness to your quick pickles, try adding a starchy veg with a higher sugar content (ahem, beets)! Or a dash of maple syrup will do ya. I really dig this veggie combo, but you can use whatever you want! Here’s how to make ‘em:


1 medium sized onion (the fresher the better)

3-4 celery ribs

1 medium sized beet

1-2 inches of peeled, fresh ginger

A sprig of fresh rosemary

1 cup raw apple cider vinegar

1 cup water

1 tablespoon himalayan salt

Slice up all your veggies. This is a fun time to play with different chopping/slicing styles. I like to slice the onions into rings, slice the celery at an angle and slice the beets into quarters. If you have a grater, grating the ginger is a good way to go, or you can finely chop it. Now, throw all those veggies into your sterilized jar and pack it nice and tight until it’s about a half inch from the top. Take your sprig of fresh rosemary and tuck it on in.

In a small sauce pot, bring the apple cider vinegar, water and salt to a boil. Turn that heat off at the first sign of a boil and pour over your jar stuffed with veggies! The liquid should cover the goods, you might need to press them down a bit. Let it cool to room temperature then cover and pop it in the fridge. They’ll be ready to munch on in about 24 hours and will keep in the fridge for a month. I know I only mentioned salads, but pickled veg is good on just about everything.

It wouldn’t be a Sunny Hunny article if I didn’t mention the benefits of ginger and rosemary! They both offer excellent digestive support, warming the tummy up and bringing circulation to the digestive tract. They are also incredibly anti-inflammatory! In fact, you’ll find ginger and rosemary in our Muscle Balm due to that anti-inflammatory effect!



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