

3 Anti-Inflammatory Herbs That Aren't Turmeric

3 Anti-Inflammatory Herbs That Aren't Turmeric

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Turmeric is a powerful plant that most people associate with lowering inflammation. It is, in fact, highly anti-inflammatory, but it is also notoriously poorly absorbed. There are some great turmeric products out there, but let’s talk about a few other plants that can offer inflammation support and are a bit more accessible. 

  1. Chamomile: a sweet little anti-inflammatory rockstar of a plant. This one is great for targeting inflammation associated with tense joints and muscles, as well as inflammation in the digestive tract. For this purpose, brew up a tea and drink on an empty stomach. If you can source loose chamomile and use that instead of a tea bag, your infusion is going to be even more effective! If loose-leaf teas are new to you, see my journal post about making herbal tea in a french press.

  2. Ginger: another potent anti-inflammatory herb that interestingly belongs to the same family as turmeric (Zingiberaceae). Like chamomile, ginger can be helpful for inflammation that centers around the muscles and joints, and the digestive system. This one is also great for menstrual cramping. You can make a tea out of it, add the dried powder to a recipe, or take capsules.

  3. Holy Basil or Tulsi: holy basil is a well-loved adaptogen that offers anti-inflammatory benefits. This one is great if you have a difficult time managing stress, have trouble focusing, or deal with brain fog. Holy basil is easy and fun to grow, a lovely plant to have in a pot on your patio. It tastes delicious, so try it in a tea!

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