

CBD, Our Nervous System and Alternatives

CBD, Our Nervous System and Alternatives

The wellness industry loves trends and the trend of late has been CBD. It’s worked its way from high end spas to gas stations and drug stores. Promoted as a cure all, we take it for anxiety, pain, sleep and even give it to our pets. For many, CBD has been a first introduction into the world of plant medicine and for that I am grateful, but I’m also weary of the way it’s been quickly catapulted into an industry, all the while 15.7 million people have been arrested for marijuana offenses. Fortunately, there are many plants we can turn to for support. 

But first, here’s the low down on Cannabis…

The Cannabis plant contains more than 80 different chemicals called cannabinoids. The most abundant of which is THC, giving the plant its mind-altering effects. It’s non-psychoactive, and legal, counterpart is CBD, the second most abundant cannabinoid. Cannabis is bred for different properties depending on what the plant will be used for. You’ll hear both ‘marijuana’ and ‘hemp’ thrown around but ultimately, they are the same plant. A marijuana plant is bred to have high THC, whereas a hemp plant is bred for high CBD or high fiber. A marijuana plant has greater than .3 percent THC, anything under is considered hemp. As you can see, Cannabis is complex and navigating the CBD world can be overwhelming. 

Here’s what I look for in a CBD company: 

  1. Where are the plants grown? A high quality company will be transparent about where they source their CBD from. 

  2. Is the CBD full spectrum? Plants are synergistic, meaning they work best in their whole forms, with all of their phytochemicals intact. 

  3. Does the company utilize third party testing? 

If you want to skip the search, I’ve listed some of my favorite CBD companies below. 

Ok, so you’ve tried CBD and it hasn’t worked*. Or you’ve tried CBD and you’re ready for something new. Let’s talk! In the herbalism world, we have a category of herbs called nervines, which are any plants that affect the nervous system. Nervines can be further divided into the subcategories of nervine sedatives, nervine hypnotics and nervine tonics. Plants within these groups can be excellent alternatives to CBD.

  • Nervine Sedatives have a relaxing affect and unlike nervine hypnotics, can generally be used throughout the day without side effects like grogginess. Some of my favorite nervine sedatives are chamomile, lavender, lemon balm and motherwort. Sometimes with anxiety we want to jump to a ‘strong’ herb, but do not underestimate the gentle power of a plant like chamomile or lavender. This is a beautiful place to start experimenting with nervines. Also, note that motherwort can be used for anxiety that is specific to the chest (tightness, palpitations).  

  • Nervine Hypnotics have a stronger relaxing effect and in some instances, are used to induce sleep. These plants may make some people too tired during the day, but others will find them helpful for severe panic/anxiety. Many of our nervine hypnotics are also used in the treatment of pain, especially muscle spasms. Examples of nervine hypnotics are valerian, california poppy, kava kava and passionflower. 

  • Nervine Tonics are appropriate for restoring the structure and function of the nervous system. These plants are especially helpful for those who have had longer bouts of anxiety, panic attacks or ptsd. Examples are milky oats, skullcap, st. john’s wort, lion’s mane and ashwagandha.

When choosing an herb, it can be helpful to think of energetics. Consider whether you are a warm, cold, dry, damp person and then choose an herb with energetics to balance that out. For example, I’m an easily cold person so herbs that are cooling may not be best for my system. You can always consult an herbalist if you feel you need some guidance and please consult a professional healthcare provider before you start any new herbs, especially if you are on prescription medications. 

I hope you are feeling empowered, knowing there are so many plants ready and willing to share their magic with you. Next time you feel your nervous system needs a little loving, consult this list and let the plants guide you.

*I always like to point out that herbs are an amazing additional layer to a healthy lifestyle. If you’ve found CBD or herbal remedies to be ineffective it might be worthwhile to consider your lifestyle habits and to make sure there are no underlying conditions blocking your health.

Some of my favorite CBD companies:

Cosmic View


For more info on the war on drugs:

Last Prisoner Project

Marijuana Legalization is a Racial Justice Issue

Blessing, Esther M et al. “Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders.” Neurotherapeutics : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics vol. 12,4 (2015): 825-36. doi:10.1007/s13311-015-0387-1

Shannon, Scott et al. “Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series.” The Permanente journal vol. 23 (2019): 18-041. doi:10.7812/TPP/18-041

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